Monday, December 17, 2012

Me and Ralph - a disclosure of motivation

This blog is focused on a beloved man of God - Ralph Rutledge.  A man who fell from grace because he manifested a dark side while also appearing as an 'angel of light.'

As information comes to light over the last year, the central concerns about Rutledge remain in place.  No information has come to light to relieve us of the concerns expressed in this blog.

The behaviour that has concerned the board of a church where Rutledge served is some form of predatory sexual behaviour while serving as a minister of God.  It is not an issue of whether this was homosexual advances or heterosexual advances.  Neither are acceptable for a man of God.  A minister of the gospel must not speak one way in the pulpit and act another way in his office or the home of a family exploring the claims of Christ.

Another behaviour that has come to light is the consolidation, use and abuse of power from the position of  head pastor for financial gain.  Again the church Board of the church where Rutledge worked had difficulty confronting him about this because of his skilled consolidation of power.

I am not angry at Ralph.  I am not motivated to get revenge.  He has not personally hurt me.  Generally we have been on good speaking terms.  He officiated at the wedding of  my sister Martha and my brother in law Denis.  My brother-in-law, Denis Bourget, was a teacher at the Queensway school.  I. too, taught at the Queensway School of Ministry and enjoyed learning  from various classes during the times of the Rutledge ministry.  My mother was a group leader and a friend of Mrs. Rutledge.

I also consider Rutledge to be gifted in many ways as a pastor.  He is a great performer but, as the men who worked close to him (Ken Gill, for example) found out, he was very difficult to get to know.  He was hard to get close to.  He was not one to be accountable to others.  It seems that everything was 'performance.'  He does not allow accountability.

Each of us need to face our own inner darkness, our own sinful nature and participate in the process of confession of sins and life transformation that life in Christ offers.  That includes me and you (reader).

The unexamined life is a nest for sin.  The one who is morally superior and denies any possibility of personal sin is dangerous.  We all need to be prepared to enter into mutual accountability relationships with fellow Christians who care.  We need to be able to ask and answer the tough questions about our behaviour.

I am no different than any other man.  I do not claim moral superiority.  I have not got it all figured out.  I am not as clear and certain as to right and wrong as I was when younger.

In my journey I have had to shed people pleasing.  I have sought to serve Christ free of religion.  I know the Bible well and am learning to follow the principles that Jesus showed us in Biblical interpretation.  I am not prepared to be legalistic in defining sin.  I have a Saviour and that is all that matters.

Nor, by the way, am I either homophobic and campaigning against the marriage of faithful homosexual partners.  So I am changing and growing as I seek to walk in the light of Christ.

Brothers and sisters, walk in the light.  Shed anger and judgments against others and live love.

1 comment:

  1. What has been consistent in the information seen by this blogger is that new information tends to support the allegations that first came to light as rumors at Queensway Cathedral when Rutledge was defrocked by the PAOC.

    A recent phone call for a trusted contact reported a phone call, from a former secretary from one of the churches where Rutledge was pastor, said that all the rumors and allegations are true. I do not have the person's name to phone them to get first hand confirmation, but, please note, that has been my practice - to confirm directly with the person who makes a report.

    A second hand report is not proof of anything. My point is the consistency of the information that I get from trusted sources.
