Thursday, May 13, 2010

Detecting a “Wolf in Sheep Clothing” or False Shepherd

Do you know how to detect a “Wolf in Sheep Clothing?”

Are you sure?  Be careful.  Don’t jump to conclusions.  Most Spirit-filled Christians do not understand how to detect a wolf in sheep clothing.  They are confused when the Holy Spirit does not just reveal it to them.

We are so used to the gifts of the Spirit used in ministry.  We assume that the Holy Spirit will reveal everything we need to know.  We stop being careful.  We neglect due diligence.  We become too heavenly minded to think clearly on this important issue.

Decisions are made about who gets in the position of power and privilege of pastor, minister or director of a ministry.  Because these positions are very strategic in terms of allowing or shutting down God’s work, Satan is interested.  His men are interested.  His men with good resumes, good looks and smooth talk are interested in that position of power.  They achieve them undetected with ease.

That is why, Body of Christ, I don’t want you deluded about your choice.  You need to get beyond the education, the position and the appearance and know the heart of the man you are putting in place.  There is no easy way to do this.  Due diligence means work is needed.  Failure to do your homework means that a Wolf in Sheep Clothing can get by you.

But we are lazy.  We want the Holy Spirit to reveal things to us that the dark side wants kept secret.  What if the Holy Spirit is not going to tell secrets and expects you to do the discernment required?  If you do not do your part and you hire an enemy agent, then you will have a battle on your hands!  Undoing your mistake will not be easy.

The final section of Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount tells us to beware of false prophets.  Take this to mean false pastors, false directors, false men of God.  They are false because they are up to no good.  They are false because the false shepherd “does not care about the sheep.” John 10:13.

If the Holy Spirit gifts do not help and the surface appearance does not help.  We are used to the Holy Spirit doing the discerning for us.  It does not always work that way.

Surface appearance - education, appearance, resume - does not reveal the Wolf in Sheep Clothing.  How do you get under the surface?

Think about this.  What does it mean “by their fruits you will know them?”

Jesus says that good fruit is born on good trees.  Good fruit is found in the quality of a man’s intimate relationships, in the slip of his tongue, in his sense of humor, in his sense of fair play in sports, in good fruit in his interactions requiring love, wisdom and healing.  One can discern good fruit by marriages staying together, people being healthy and less contention and dissatisfaction in the congregation.

Knowing the fruit takes patience and wisdom.  Judgmental criteria may not work.  What is needed is real knowing of the person’s heart for God and for worship; a real taste of their capacity for loving service, for building up others, for living within healthy boundaries.  Such character is only discerned over time.  It is only discerned by those who are involved in the issues of power, love and money with this person.  In a church this means the person’s board and his staff.  At home it means his family and loved ones.

In Demons in the Sanctuary it is the board who worked with Rutherford (Rutledge) and the staff of the Good Shepherd Church (Good Samaritan Church) that got to know him.  Their eyes opened over a period of months of trying unsuccessfully to deal with boundary issues around finances and other decisions around the church.

Those who only know a pastor in his "public" role do not know what is going on behind the scenes.  Sometimes only a man's wife and children know who the real person is.  Everyone else may see the pastor  as the perfect angel.  In fact, a congregation will have a strong inbuilt tendency to see the best and ignore or discount any problems with their pastor.

One always needs good confirmation when discerning the wolf in sheep's clothing.  When the board of the Good Samaritan Church dealt with Ralph Rutledge, the church archives provided that strong confirmation and introduced new concerns.  Previous boards had issues with Rutledge over financial issues.  Only then did this board discover there were also boundary issues around sexual boundaries and that these were allegations of homosexual encounters.

A male associate pastor was on record in the church archives as requesting better sexual boundaries from Rutledge.  The board interactions around these allegations is documented.

This documentation strengthened the boards resolve to deal with Ralph Rutledge.  Now, they were less likely to bow under his guilt, shame and browbeating tactics.

Jesus told us that "a bad tree that bears bad fruit," (Matthew 7:18).   If other boards found the same issues; if the same  bad fruit appeared throughout Rutledge's history at the Good Samaritan Church, then it was now  clearer that this was an example of a bad tree.  And Jesus said that "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." Matthew 7:19

The church board is exposed to the dirty laundry. The congregation is spared the stress and disappointment of being on the inside.  Congregation members need to trust their boards because board members have inside information.  They have the inside experience of dealing with the pastor.  They will be the first ones to discern the health of the tree.

In summary remember that detecting a wolf in sheep clothing takes time (maybe years).  Only those close to the man know the real character issues he is dealing with.  Those on the church boards are the one who deal with the church's 'dirty laundry.'  They get a chance to know the man.  (Though often his family knows best.)

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not always helpful.  Jesus wants us to look and see and taste the fruit of ministry.

Do not trust an interview and a resume.  Dig for real first hand data that reveal the character of the man (or woman).   The business term is "due diligence."  Failure to do due diligence has created much distress for Christian organizations and some have been destroyed.

George Hartwell M.Sc. Christian counsellor provides Christian counselling ( counseling / therapy ) through 90 minute in person sessions at his office in Mississauga.  As a professional Christian Marriage counsellor George provides Christian marriage counselling counseling for couples in Oakville, Mississauga, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Power Consolidation and Cover Up

There is a lot of potential for control in the position of head pastor or minister of a church.  The clergy can   consolidate power in many ways.

In the early church it was not one man rules.  There was much more equality and collegiality.  The mutual submission in a team provided accountability.  Accountability is missing when “one man rules” the church.

The church was birthed at Pentecost when 120 were in one accord.  The Holy Spirit was sent to a united group.  God likes real community.  Even 2 or 3 gathered together in Jesus name can be graced with His presence, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Community which invites the Holy Spirit is missing in the "one man rules" church.

This consolidation of power in one man makes it very difficult for that person to be held accountable.  A person with a lot of power is dangerous to confront.  They can do damage by blocking your participation in the community.  They can do damage to you and you will not be able to damage them.  They may damage you and you may not even want to damage them (love).

Also a minister with consolidated power is very difficult to dislodge when their conduct is immoral and unethical.  There is little contrition when sin has become a life style.  Humility is missing.  Even the board with responsibility to do so may find it difficult to confront or dislodge such a man.

The board of Good Samaritan Church found Rutledge as impossible to dislodge as it was to get him to take responsibility for his actions.   They tried to confront issues.  He always avoided.  He tried to get rid of members of the Board and played games with power to block accountability.

Pastor Rutledge was liked; even idolized.  He was persuasive and smooth of speech.  He gained great influence over many people.  He was effective in using the consolidated power of his position to maintain control of his church.  Having that power seemed to be very important to him.  A detailed account of how one pastor - said to be a good representation of Rutledge - is found in the book: Demons in the Sanctuary.

From the start of the story (Demons in the Sanctuary) is was said that Pastor Rutherford was a liar.  Dan had even been "enraged on several occasions, accusing Pastor Rafe of being untruthful and dishonest in his dealings."  Remember in this fictional account there is based on accurate accounts and records of the board of Good Samaritan Church as they tried to deal with Rutledge.

Anyone who lies without flinching is very difficult to confront.  With their lies they will turn any accusation back against the accuser.  (This is similar to what people observe of the Jezebel Spirit.)

Right up to the end of the book, Rutherford in Demons in the Sanctuary does not stop his use of lies.  By the end Mira and the men on the board cannot deny it any longer.   The man is a liar.

Some plots involve character change.  In the book, Rutherford does not change.  He has a character issue.  Sin has become habitual - life style.  Habitual sin takes over one's identity.  It can no longer be said "Such were some of you."  The old nature, the old nature is not dead.  The new nature is no longer alive.  'Christian' no longer applies if sin becomes your identity.  As such you cannot enter the presence of God.

His consolidation of power is heightened by his total willingness to distort the truth on any occasion when it is to his advantage.  He is in constant “Cover Up” mode.  He is in constant power and control mode.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth so anyone who lies easily and consistently is not closely associated with the Biblical Holy Spirit.  The Christ within us does not lie.  "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5.

George Hartwell M.Sc. Christian counsellor provides Christian counselling ( counseling / therapy ) through 90 minute in person sessions at his office in Mississauga.  As a professional Christian Marriage counsellor George provides Christian marriage counselling counseling for couples in Oakville, Mississauga, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One Abuser: Countless Wounded.

How much damage can one man do?

One serial abuser can do a lot of damage.  By the time a local church is aware of the abuse and moved the person out many persons have been wounded.

Most organizations cannot expose the abuser (Ephesians 5:11) and must settle for deactivating their influence in the setting they can control.  A local church sometimes can remove a minister from their position of authority but often cannot, or choose not to, expose the abuse and the abuser.

Not exposing the abuser has several benefits to a congregation.  You avoid damaging publicity.  You avoid alienating many church members and possibly losing membership.  You protect the victims who may not want any exposure.  You keep the peace.

Ralph Rutledge was blocked from the Pentecostal Assemblies (PAOC) of Canada.  At the time of his discipline his involvement appeared to be in one homosexual relationship.

In Chapter 20 of Demons in the Sanctuary an insider gives the fuller story.  “He was fired by his last church for his involvement with a young man in his congregation.  Our organization offered to pay all expenses if he would enter serious counseling but instead he chose to try and split the church with a telephone campaign.”

The insider was the speaker at a woman’s ministry meeting at Good Shepherd Church.  She prayed with Mira (Marion Bellamy) and then it turns out this woman know a lot about Rutherford: “I know that he was asked if that was the only incident that had occurred and he assured them it was, but later, it was learned that many such incidents had occurred.  He has left countless broken, wounded people in his wake from one end of the country to the other.”  (Demons in the Sanctuary, page 253).

Unless an abuser is exposed other congregations and other Christians are vulnerable.  There are many reasons why full disclosure and full exposure of an abuser is not practiced.  However, until that exposure happens the abuser is free to continue to abuse and to add to the many wounded people whose future in ministry, in intimate relationships, in relationship with God and the church will be deeply hindered.

It is on behalf of the wounded and their families, on behalf of the Bride of Christ and to protect other ‘victims’ that this blog is written.  My wish is that healing of the wounded may begin.  But first the lion must be caged.

I intend no ill toward Ralph Rutledge.  Both he and I will answer to God and give an account one day.  As a shepherd of God’s flock I have sounded a warning to protect the sheep.  My hope, is that in God’s eyes that will be good.  I care enough about Ralph Rutledge refuse to treat him as a 'Golden Boy' who can do no wrong and I respect him enough as a man to hold him accountable and to invite him to make peace with God. 

I believe he is big enough to hear what I am saying, take a look at himself and then turn to God.  I believe God loves Rutledge enough to provide the grace of godly repentance needed  if and when Ralph is ready.  

It is all part of being a man of God.  It is all about acting under the anointing of the Spirit and with courage, wisdom and love - 2 Timothy 1:7.

(By the way, Demons in the Sanctuary, is based very precisely on a particular time that Ralph Rutledge was facing down the church board at the Good Shepherd Church.  The story is told by the secretary of the board.  It is a story of their gradual learning about his character, attitude and behaviour and then dealing with him.  To fulfill my duty to verify the story, I met with many of the board that are in the story.  In these meetings each one confirmed the accuracy of the accounts in the book.  They affirmed that the book accurately captures the interactions of the board with Ralph Rutledge.)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Soul Ties through Laying on of Hands

Mira Avoids a Soul Tie through Laying on of Hands from Chapter 20 of Demons in the Sanctuary.

The board of Good Samaritan Church is learning more and more about Pastor Ralph Rutledge until they are in shock at his immoral and unethical conduct.  They become fully convinced that they must fire him and face the irate congregation who idolize the man.
Our author is close to choking with fear and sliding back in to the depression that she had been lifted out of some years previous.  Miriam Bellamy - Mira in the book – is author of Demons in the Sanctuary.  The book is written in fictional form.  From this date on I will treat it as factual based on the testimony of many witnesses who verify that Demons in the Sanctuary is a very accurate report of the events that unfolded at Good Samaritan Church.
I took a break of almost 4 months from the reading of Demons in the Sanctuary.  I pick up the account in Chapter 20.  Miriam is processing a request from Pastor Rutledge who hoped to “kneel before Mira and invite her to pray for him.”
In the book the two women Grace and Mira are both repelled and nauseated by the idea.  For some reason the very thought of it was disquieting to both women but they did not fully understand why.  But revelation was to come from a guest speaker at the woman’s ministry meeting.
She, too, reacted with a horrified expression and said: “Don’t do it!  Don’t even think of it.”  The woman explained two dangers of such a prayer.  One is that it creates a soul-tie, a connection with him that allows a transference of an evil spirit.  The second is that by submitting to another for prayer he makes them responsible for his soul.  This may reduce their confidence in providing accountability and opposing anything unethical he does.

Lay hands suddenly on no man” nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure, says 1Timothy 5:22.  I have been taught that a wrong spirit can transfer (transference of spirits) as we pray for another with laying on of hands.  I have been told to take care, pray and follow good discernment.

There is a danger that anyone who prays for Pastor Rutledge  with laying of of hands will fall under the power of the demons that have a stronghold in him.  Similarly if he lays hands on and prays for you.  The demons may have used this technique for seduction and transference of spirits from Ralph Rutledge to others.

The lesson here is to take care in prayer involving the laying on of hands.  Always pray for discernment (listening prayer) when invited to do this.  If there is joy or peace in your heart that is a go ahead.  If there is a big void – a big nothing – then let the opportunity pass.

Another lesson from this is “Transference of spirits.”  That needs a separate entry.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Wolf in Sheep Clothing

There is a reason to understand the “Wolf in Sheep Clothing” and that is so you, your church or your organization will not be blind-sided by your encounter with one.

What is the nature of the raving wolf in sheep clothing?  Consider first the “sheep clothing.”  This beast is two-sided - a cloak outside and another animal inside.  Within this cloak it looks like and functions as a disciple of Christ.  He looks ‘sheep-like.”  He acts like he should at first - something like a con man.

The traditional con man is very smooth and extremely convincing.  Their ability to be convincing seems almost supernatural.  They are good!  They are very persuasive.

The traditional con man in Psychology was called a Psychopath.  (The term warped into Sociopath then Personality Disorder.)   These persons have a personality that can vary depending on the situation or the person they are with.  They are Chameleon-like. 

The Wolf in Sheep Clothing may be very convincing as a pastor in the roles requiring a performance.  In Demons in the Sanctuary the pastor could appear very warm and caring.  He could shed tears when telling a story for sympathy.

But sheep clothing on a wolf does not make a sheep.  A wolf is still a wolf.  Our mistake is thinking that we would know the difference.  We think we are going to be able to detect a wolf under the sheep clothing. This is a misconception.  Wrong!  You cannot detect a wolf when they are introduced.  You cannot tell a wolf by their behaviour on stage - their act, their performance,  their preaching,  their resume,  their handshake and smile.  They are too good at the performance.

Pastor Ralph Rutledge, upon whom the story is based, was and is beloved by many.  He is an excellent preacher.  His altar calls are very creative, inspired.  His smile is always there on stage.  He is well dressed and handsome in appearance.  He sings well.  He is skilled at pulling on the heart strings or pulling out Pentecostal doctrine then it serves him to build support.  This is one reason why I call him the Pentecostal "Golden Boy."  He is good at the performance.

Therefore, if Ralph Rutledge had been your pastor you would be loyal to him.  You would pray for him.  You would believe the best about him.  With such feelings of love and loyalty to him it is obvious that you are not going to believe he is capable of great evil.  Love believes the best.

Given your loyalty and love for your pastor even if the Holy Spirit should reveal that something was wrong you would likely ignore it.  You would even dull your discernment out of love and loyalty for your pastor.

This is a matter of identity.  The appearance is like a Christ follower.  The real identity is as an agent of evil sent to ‘ravage’ the flock of Jesus.  By all appearances a sheep.  In heart and intent a wolf.

Both Jesus and Paul (Acts 20:29) warn about this individual who will ravage the Bride of Christ.  But still the phenomenon is not well understood.  The individual ‘wolf in sheep clothing’ is not usually recognized.  We understand the theory, we just do not have much experience putting it into practice.

This lack of wisdom and experience has dangerous results.  Churches and organizations are usually hierarchical.  (Such a church is what I consider to be a Nicolaitan church but that is another story.)  One person, one wolf, at the top of the hierarchy has power to suppress the work of the Holy Spirit and bring every person into oppression within this hierarchy.  One evil person in a position of power and privilege does much harm.

Jesus gives us a common sense way of discerning the wolf in sheep clothing.  He says “by their fruit you will know them.” Matthew 7:16. That would be easy if one understood what it means and how to put it into practice.  However, if you do not understand then it is not easy to implement.

We often think that Jesus means that Holy Spirit will reveal who is a ‘wolf in sheep clothing.’  Wrong!  There is very little evidence that this happens.  A fact that confuses many.

Here is a principle to keep in mind: The gifts of the Holy Spirit come in to operation when you voluntarily submit to ministry.  However - and this is confusing - the Holy Spirit does not usually 'tattle tale.'  Therefore, we can not depend on Holy Spirit gifts to discern the ‘wolf in sheep clothing.’

When a church or organization puts someone into a key position they best remember to "lay hands suddenly on no man."  Be patient.  Take your time.  Do due diligence. Get behind the surface and past the resume.

Those that see the wolf in action are behind the scenes.  Sexual targets of predatory activity are often very carefully selected to minimize the threat of detection.  Such information will usually not be available.  Treatment of staff and board members might be accessible.  Some indication of ministry fruit would include the impact on marriages, on people's health and finances.

In Demons in the Sanctuary those who felt violated or offended left.  Whole boards were gone from the membership.  Associate pastors only stayed for brief periods and some left deeply wounded.

It might not be easy but you need to find those who are willing to talk and who know the inside story.  It is not easy to find the disgruntled and many may prefer not to talk about the board's 'dirty laundry.'

It is a lot of work to get this kind of information.  Real detective work is needed.  This wolf is cunning.  In the book, Demons in the Sanctuary, the pastor taught the members not to touch 'the Lord's anointed.'

You will learn why you need to make this effort when you read Demons in the Sanctuary.  In the 'demonized' congregation there were several murders and suicides.  This is bad fruit!  There was a pain for the board that dealt with the pastor who was a wolf in sheep clothing.  Much sleep was lost.  Health was jeopardized.  People lost money.  One reason to write this blog is that you can avoid that pain.  

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Character Issues to Observe

Christian Counsellor George Hartwell makes observations based on professional training and 40 years of clinical experience

Christian counsellor, especially one with 40 years experience in Christian counselling and holding a masters degree in clinical Psychology, has something of value to offer in understanding the personality and behaviour of Ralph Rutledge.

Three issues emerge from the first chapter of Demons in the Sanctuary.  These can be considered as initial observations of pastor Rutherford’s character.  In later chapters of the book we will look for further evidence to support these observations.

People with intimate experience of working with Pastor Rutledge as staff or volunteers will then be questioned to affirm whether or not these descriptions correspond to the facts according to their first hand witness of his life.

Boundary Issues        
In Chapter One of Demons in the Sanctuary it is reported that Pastor R. took over a church kitchen renovation project; nullifying decisions made by the kitchen committee, changing the plans and making private little deals on the side.  (Page 13)

This is a boundary issue because he is interfering in other people’s work and taking over responsibilities that were not his.  He is extending his own authority at the expense of others.

Character Issues
Dan is convinced that Pastor R. is a liar:  “He couldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it!”  Dan says: “He knows exactly what the truth is, he is just incapable of telling it!”

“Well”, says Dan, “doesn’t the Bible have soothing to say about all liars going to Hell?”  Dan is on to something here.  Revelation 21:8 has liars joining murderers, the sexually immoral and others having their part in the lake which burns with fire.

Dan’s description is clear.  Pastor R. does not just lie sometimes; lying has become unstoppable.  He is a liar.  He is stuck in a sin identity.  This is a character issue.

Glory Issues
Isaiah’s vision of Lucifer is that he fell when exalting himself “above the stars of God.”  He was cut down imagining that he will be “like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:12-15)

Dan noted that sitting under this “lying pastor” meant listening to him talk about himself not preach out of the bible.  Dan’s observation suggests that pastor R. may have a ‘glory issue.’  A glory issue occurs when we exalt ourselves, put the focus on ourselves and rob attention from God and the bible.  (Page 13)

Dan is pointing to a possible glory issue with pastor R.

Reading further in the Demons in the Sanctuary we will discover how the author develops the flaws in the main character.  

Indirectly we may find that we are learning about the character of Ralph Rutledge.  The contention of the Board Secretary and the others on the church board that met with me in person, is that the books main character is an accurate portrayal of Ralph Rutledge.  They confirmed the identification repeatedly.

George Hartwell M.Sc. Christian counsellor provides Christian counselling ( counseling / therapy ) through 90 minute in person sessions at his office in Mississauga.  As a professional Christian Marriage counsellor George provides Christian marriage counselling counseling for couples in Oakville, Mississauga, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Good Boundaries make Good Ministers

To understand and investigate whether the ministry of Ralph Rutledge is an example of a wolf in sheep clothing I must investigate and define professional ethics and boundaries.  Unethical ministers misuse their position of professional responsibility to ravage the flock.

Unhealthy ministers display poor boundaries.  Unethical ministers misuse their position of professional responsibility to ravage the flock.  This discussion of healthy professional boundaries will help us to identify good ministers of the gospel and separate them from those who abuse professional position - the wolf in sheep clothing.

“Good fences make good neighbors” – Robert Frost.  Discernment of a healthy and holy man of God (minister) requires a look at how they handle boundary issues.

A successful relationship is composed of two individuals - each with a clearly defined sense of her or his own identity and personal boundaries.
Personal boundaries are the limits we set in relationships that allow us to protect our selves.  Good boundaries protect us from abuse and pave the way to achieving true intimacy.   They allow us to get close to others when it is appropriate and to maintain our distance when we might be harmed by getting too close.

Wolves cross boundaries.  They invade people's space.  Sexual predators who are men of the cloth may  push the boundaries in a time of prayer ministry by getting too close (space invaders); by making and maintaining too much touch contact.  The wolf may take the role of the wounded one who needs sympathy and support from the parishioner.  (This kind of role reversal is a boundary violation.)

The code of ethics of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors (1994) in Principle III G provides explicit and comprehensive directives concerning what constitutes unethical sexual behavior: All forms of sexual behavior or harassment with clients are unethical, even when a client invites or consents to such behavior or involvement. Sexual behavior is defined as, but not limited to, all forms of overt and covert seductive speech, gestures, and behavior, as well as physical contact of a sexual nature; harassment is defined as but not limited to, repeated comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature
Maintaining these boundaries safeguards the flock against sexual impropriety.  As many as 40% of pastors have had a situation in which some sexual indiscretion had occurred, be it related to pornography or inappropriate advances towards another person.

In any event, the responsibility for the nature of a pastoral relationship and for maintaining appropriate boundaries rests squarely with the minister.  He is the one who holds the balance in the power equation

A significant imbalance of power exists in relationships between people and their ministers in their role as spiritual leaders.  This power imbalance is defined by Peter Rutter as "a difference in degree of personal and social freedom between two people which permits one to impose his or her will on the other."  (Peter Rutter, M.D.,Sex in the Forbidden Zone, Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1989).

Financial boundaries-- ministry should be done with integrity; the minister must not compromise ethics by tolerating or encouraging poor or illegal church business financial practices. He should not use his position of power and influence to benefit financially at the expense of the members of the church.

Boundary issues are more likely when there are Dual Relationships.  When the minister engages church members in relationships beyond professional parameters, such as becoming business associates, employers, or Power of Care , they are engaging in unhealthy dual relationships with multiple agendas.

Former members of the Good Samaritan Church have alleged that Ralph Rutledge or his family members benefited when he used his power and influence to wrest Power of Care from family members and then benefited financially from this Power of Care situation.  if this proves to be true it is an allegation of poor boundaries and unprofessional conduct.

Assess any minister or professional by asking yourself if they maintain good personal, financial and sexual boundaries in their relationships as you have observed them and as they have been reported to you.  Very poor boundaries and repeated reports (allegations) of discrepancies should be an alert to the possibility of a wolf in sheep clothing.

George Hartwell M.Sc. Christian counsellor provides Christian counselling ( counseling / therapy ) through 90 minute in person sessions at his office in Mississauga.  As a professional Christian Marriage counsellor George provides Christian marriage counselling counseling for couples in Oakville, Mississauga, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thesis, Method, Observations and Conclusions about Ralph Rutledge

Reporting facts is something like science.  There are methods to follow to establish the facts.  Science has levels of knowledge: observations are required to establish facts or laws,  theories are formulated to explain facts and laws and to predict interesting new questions to study.  Laws are compromised by observations that falsify the law, theories are compromised by failure to explain all the laws or failure of predictions from the theories.

I want to follow a systematic method in my reading of Mariam Bellamy's book -  "Demons in the Sanctuary." (Mariam Bellamy, Trafford, 2008, 978-1-4251-8582-4.)

I am wanting a description of the pastor in the book.  I want to establish a profile made of various character traits.  There may be broad conclusions that can be drawn.

In science a model or theory helps one to predict outcomes.  Based on the first 2/3rds of the book ( up to and including Chapter 19), I want to develop the profile and the model and then see what that would predict going forward in the account.

What are the facts.  Characteristics of the pastor are the facts.  We require that the book identify a characteristic  two or more times.  

Based on the facts we may develop a theory.  Theory represents general statements or conclusions about the pastor in the book.  Theories are helpful if they provide a clear explanation of a lot of facts.

Theories can be tested by the amount of truth or falsity they convey.  If they explain a lot of observations then they are helpful theories.

Theories in science should be able to be verified by testing the predictions based on the theory.  ONe makes predictions and then tests to see if they are false or true.

I will make predictions about the pastor's behavior in the final third of the book based on the observations and theories derived from the first two thirds of the book.  Call this playful science.

Books sometimes describe changes in character, personality and attitude in key persons.  A Christian may soften and repent and turn from his sinful ways.  The Holy Spirit can convict; hearts can soften; life transformation can happen.  Will Rafe Rutherford - the pastor in the book - soften, get real and repent?

With no change of character we may find further confirmation of the observations and conclusions drawn from the first two-thirds of the book.


The facts established about the pastor in Demons in the Sanctuary may or may not match the facts of the life of Pastor Rutledge.  First hand witnesses must attest to these assertions before we can attribute them to Rutledge.  Records of the past and first hand witnesses will be providing confirming or disconfirming evidence.

I have, however, been told that Bellamy's book - Demons in the Sanctuary - is an accurate account of Rutledge's ministry at Good Samaritan Church when Bellamy was Secretary-Treasurer of the Board.  I have spoken to one Board member who said: "I am amazed.  She wrote it just like it happened."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ralph Rutledge Defrocked

One of the details at the moment come from a web site:

According to this source: In August of 1989 we all learned that Ralph Rutledge had been defrocked by the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada for homosexual incidents that involved ‘grown men’ and that were acknowledged by Mr. Rutledge himself (Mail Star, May 9, 1990).

We need to check the sources of this quote.  Can we access the Archives of the newspapers.  What is meant by "Mail Star?"  Is this Toronto Star or Globe and Mail?  

Second:  Ralph's discipline was carried out by the Western Ontario District office of the PAOC (Pentecostal Assemblies of God.)  

Monday, January 18, 2010

What do we know about Ralph Rutledge?

The topic of public interest is the person of Rev. Ralph Rutledge.  The public is interested because he has close connections to 100 Huntley Street; because not a lot is known about his ministry at Queensway Cathedral in Toronto or why the PAOC removed him from all ministry within this Pentecostal denomination.  The scandal - the rumours - suggest the abuse of the position of pastor to engage and confuse young men in sexual sin.  The full story was never revealed.  There was no public confession by Ralph Rutledge and no apology to a shocked and confused congregation.

In private confessions Ralph Rutledge pleads his case as a victim of abuse by the PAOC.  He minimizes his sin and his part in it.  He claims it was in the past.  He claims he was the victim.  He claims it was a minor one-time incident.  He claims he was hard done by by the PAOC.

The PAOC, for their part, feel bound for a variety of reasons not to expose the basis for their decision. This may be for legal reasons and may be the result of the settlement negotiated with Ralph Rutledge. My insider connections suggest that there were very real concerns and more than one report of sexual abuse of his position as pastor.

The Pentecostal Assemblies of God administrators that came to this tough decision were men of God who care and are careful with these kind of decisions.  The evidence suggests that they were not unfair; did not 'pick on' Rutledge or make a rash decision.

There may be good reason that the Bible says to "tell the church' when someone is removed from the church.  The community is informed and knows better than treat a sinner as a saint.

Rutledge's contends that there was a one time encounter initiated by another man and the whole thing is in the past. I believe it is much more likely that he is minimizing the evidence put before the elders of the PAOC. Biblical process requires two or more witnesses. To avoid legal liability the PAOC needs to have evidence that could go to court to show that this was not a decision biased against Rutledge.

On the contrary, my investigation adds new categories to the ways in which his behaviour as a professional minister of God has been irresponsible and out of control.  Ti now appears that he has manipulated congregations, followers, victims and church boards for his own selfish goals both sexual and financial.

The reports suggest that Rutledge uses and used every possible means to avoid confrontation. He would manipulate congregations, to control boards, and to harass victims who wanted to speak up.  I believe there is sufficient hard evidence to establish that in a court of law if necessary.  His phone call to me is just one example.

A Board member of Good Samaritan Church - an independent charismatic church associated before Rutledge with the name of Rev. Gordon Williams - wrote a book that is an accurate account in fictional guise describing one time period of his ministry.   I interviewed the author and members of the church board to verify that this book is an accurate and well documented account of Ralph Rutledge's ministry at the Good Samaritan Church.

The text is written by the Board Treasurer and supported by  the notes taken and minutes of the board meetings.

Information is verified by one or more independent witnesses to an event.  The Bible says that a fact should be established in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses.  I spoke to 4 or 5 board members who gave me their word that the book is quite accurate in it's account of the events in the church.

The book is 'Demons in the Sanctuary" by Miriam Bellamy.