Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Wolf in Sheep Clothing

There is a reason to understand the “Wolf in Sheep Clothing” and that is so you, your church or your organization will not be blind-sided by your encounter with one.

What is the nature of the raving wolf in sheep clothing?  Consider first the “sheep clothing.”  This beast is two-sided - a cloak outside and another animal inside.  Within this cloak it looks like and functions as a disciple of Christ.  He looks ‘sheep-like.”  He acts like he should at first - something like a con man.

The traditional con man is very smooth and extremely convincing.  Their ability to be convincing seems almost supernatural.  They are good!  They are very persuasive.

The traditional con man in Psychology was called a Psychopath.  (The term warped into Sociopath then Personality Disorder.)   These persons have a personality that can vary depending on the situation or the person they are with.  They are Chameleon-like. 

The Wolf in Sheep Clothing may be very convincing as a pastor in the roles requiring a performance.  In Demons in the Sanctuary the pastor could appear very warm and caring.  He could shed tears when telling a story for sympathy.

But sheep clothing on a wolf does not make a sheep.  A wolf is still a wolf.  Our mistake is thinking that we would know the difference.  We think we are going to be able to detect a wolf under the sheep clothing. This is a misconception.  Wrong!  You cannot detect a wolf when they are introduced.  You cannot tell a wolf by their behaviour on stage - their act, their performance,  their preaching,  their resume,  their handshake and smile.  They are too good at the performance.

Pastor Ralph Rutledge, upon whom the story is based, was and is beloved by many.  He is an excellent preacher.  His altar calls are very creative, inspired.  His smile is always there on stage.  He is well dressed and handsome in appearance.  He sings well.  He is skilled at pulling on the heart strings or pulling out Pentecostal doctrine then it serves him to build support.  This is one reason why I call him the Pentecostal "Golden Boy."  He is good at the performance.

Therefore, if Ralph Rutledge had been your pastor you would be loyal to him.  You would pray for him.  You would believe the best about him.  With such feelings of love and loyalty to him it is obvious that you are not going to believe he is capable of great evil.  Love believes the best.

Given your loyalty and love for your pastor even if the Holy Spirit should reveal that something was wrong you would likely ignore it.  You would even dull your discernment out of love and loyalty for your pastor.

This is a matter of identity.  The appearance is like a Christ follower.  The real identity is as an agent of evil sent to ‘ravage’ the flock of Jesus.  By all appearances a sheep.  In heart and intent a wolf.

Both Jesus and Paul (Acts 20:29) warn about this individual who will ravage the Bride of Christ.  But still the phenomenon is not well understood.  The individual ‘wolf in sheep clothing’ is not usually recognized.  We understand the theory, we just do not have much experience putting it into practice.

This lack of wisdom and experience has dangerous results.  Churches and organizations are usually hierarchical.  (Such a church is what I consider to be a Nicolaitan church but that is another story.)  One person, one wolf, at the top of the hierarchy has power to suppress the work of the Holy Spirit and bring every person into oppression within this hierarchy.  One evil person in a position of power and privilege does much harm.

Jesus gives us a common sense way of discerning the wolf in sheep clothing.  He says “by their fruit you will know them.” Matthew 7:16. That would be easy if one understood what it means and how to put it into practice.  However, if you do not understand then it is not easy to implement.

We often think that Jesus means that Holy Spirit will reveal who is a ‘wolf in sheep clothing.’  Wrong!  There is very little evidence that this happens.  A fact that confuses many.

Here is a principle to keep in mind: The gifts of the Holy Spirit come in to operation when you voluntarily submit to ministry.  However - and this is confusing - the Holy Spirit does not usually 'tattle tale.'  Therefore, we can not depend on Holy Spirit gifts to discern the ‘wolf in sheep clothing.’

When a church or organization puts someone into a key position they best remember to "lay hands suddenly on no man."  Be patient.  Take your time.  Do due diligence. Get behind the surface and past the resume.

Those that see the wolf in action are behind the scenes.  Sexual targets of predatory activity are often very carefully selected to minimize the threat of detection.  Such information will usually not be available.  Treatment of staff and board members might be accessible.  Some indication of ministry fruit would include the impact on marriages, on people's health and finances.

In Demons in the Sanctuary those who felt violated or offended left.  Whole boards were gone from the membership.  Associate pastors only stayed for brief periods and some left deeply wounded.

It might not be easy but you need to find those who are willing to talk and who know the inside story.  It is not easy to find the disgruntled and many may prefer not to talk about the board's 'dirty laundry.'

It is a lot of work to get this kind of information.  Real detective work is needed.  This wolf is cunning.  In the book, Demons in the Sanctuary, the pastor taught the members not to touch 'the Lord's anointed.'

You will learn why you need to make this effort when you read Demons in the Sanctuary.  In the 'demonized' congregation there were several murders and suicides.  This is bad fruit!  There was a pain for the board that dealt with the pastor who was a wolf in sheep clothing.  Much sleep was lost.  Health was jeopardized.  People lost money.  One reason to write this blog is that you can avoid that pain.  

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Character Issues to Observe

Christian Counsellor George Hartwell makes observations based on professional training and 40 years of clinical experience

Christian counsellor, especially one with 40 years experience in Christian counselling and holding a masters degree in clinical Psychology, has something of value to offer in understanding the personality and behaviour of Ralph Rutledge.

Three issues emerge from the first chapter of Demons in the Sanctuary.  These can be considered as initial observations of pastor Rutherford’s character.  In later chapters of the book we will look for further evidence to support these observations.

People with intimate experience of working with Pastor Rutledge as staff or volunteers will then be questioned to affirm whether or not these descriptions correspond to the facts according to their first hand witness of his life.

Boundary Issues        
In Chapter One of Demons in the Sanctuary it is reported that Pastor R. took over a church kitchen renovation project; nullifying decisions made by the kitchen committee, changing the plans and making private little deals on the side.  (Page 13)

This is a boundary issue because he is interfering in other people’s work and taking over responsibilities that were not his.  He is extending his own authority at the expense of others.

Character Issues
Dan is convinced that Pastor R. is a liar:  “He couldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it!”  Dan says: “He knows exactly what the truth is, he is just incapable of telling it!”

“Well”, says Dan, “doesn’t the Bible have soothing to say about all liars going to Hell?”  Dan is on to something here.  Revelation 21:8 has liars joining murderers, the sexually immoral and others having their part in the lake which burns with fire.

Dan’s description is clear.  Pastor R. does not just lie sometimes; lying has become unstoppable.  He is a liar.  He is stuck in a sin identity.  This is a character issue.

Glory Issues
Isaiah’s vision of Lucifer is that he fell when exalting himself “above the stars of God.”  He was cut down imagining that he will be “like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:12-15)

Dan noted that sitting under this “lying pastor” meant listening to him talk about himself not preach out of the bible.  Dan’s observation suggests that pastor R. may have a ‘glory issue.’  A glory issue occurs when we exalt ourselves, put the focus on ourselves and rob attention from God and the bible.  (Page 13)

Dan is pointing to a possible glory issue with pastor R.

Reading further in the Demons in the Sanctuary we will discover how the author develops the flaws in the main character.  

Indirectly we may find that we are learning about the character of Ralph Rutledge.  The contention of the Board Secretary and the others on the church board that met with me in person, is that the books main character is an accurate portrayal of Ralph Rutledge.  They confirmed the identification repeatedly.

George Hartwell M.Sc. Christian counsellor provides Christian counselling ( counseling / therapy ) through 90 minute in person sessions at his office in Mississauga.  As a professional Christian Marriage counsellor George provides Christian marriage counselling counseling for couples in Oakville, Mississauga, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.